Die Querdenker Logo

Agency for social development and innovation

We are a professional and reliable partner for Lifelong Learning, Progress, ESF, Intereg and similar programs as well as a management consultant for other NGOs.

We focus on qualification measures, anti stigma campaigns, poverty alleviation programs and consciousness coaching etc. with the aim of better social integration for our beneficiaries

SET - Reality

The employment rate of people with disabilities (PwD) is relatively low, although they represent sixth of the population of working age in the EU. PwD are nearly twice as many unemployed as healthy people. With more support very many Europeans with disabilities could make the (re-)enter on labor market.

The active involvement and full participation in society, is the key message of the UN Convention on the Rights of PwD. The EU Members have signed this treatment.

Having a job is one of the central concerns of functioning social inclusion. The vocational training of PwD and some legal regulations are not enough to create a positive, healthy, supportive work environment. The attitude of employers is essential. The aim is to sensitize them for what PwD are able to and to create awareness of their needs for influence the employment opportunities of PwD in a positive way.

We will offer employers high quality information (educational materials) and thus both the employment rate and the social integration of PwD can be increased.

The link between economic performance and mutual support plays an essential role in the promotion of growth, sustainability and inclusion.

Our target group are entrepreneurs, representatives of social firms and PwD.

9 partner countries are working on the project from the EU:

  • Romania
  • Greece (2)
  • Portugal
  • UK
  • Italy
  • Turkey
  • Lithuania
  • Austria

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission.
This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.